Forget nuclear fusion, here’s the other ways to solve climate change

Gilbert Mpanga
3 min readOct 16, 2020
Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Nuclear fusion, smashing atoms in each other to create energy, pretty great and Sci-fi-ish! Problem is, no one has cracked the code for over 80 years. Well how about cold-fusion, well it’s still a mystery. How about large scale solar farms and wind turbines, well these take too much space, plus generate low energy output, I mean just watch Micheal Moore’s documentary on all renewables, pretty scary.

Here are the uncool ways we can hack climate change that no one even talks about;

Artificial Olive Oil (Southeast Asia)

Southeast Asia is home to nearly 15% of the world’s tropical forests and the deforestation rate is mind-boggling, it’s the other planet’s lungs! And the main reason for wiping all forests there, OLIVE OIL! that gets exported to western markets and the whole world, serious business indeed.

It is a popular belief that natural substances — those made in nature — are
superior to synthetic ones — those made in the laboratory. Yet when a chemist synthesizes a compound, such as penicillin or morphine, the compound
is the same in all respects as the compound synthesized in nature — Paula Yarkanis.

So a synthesized olive-oil molecule will be a game-changer and stop the need for cutting down forests for planting olive-oil trees in Southeast Asia.

Cheap wood-like material (Europe, North America)

Again just like synthesizing an olive-oil molecule, we could synthesize wood properties and make a better and stronger wood alternative. This would serve as a replacement for using wood as construction material and save forests from being depleted in North America and Europe.

A mysterious $1 cooking fuel that lasts for 1 week(Africa)

While the West and other countries rely on gas, Africa’s primary cause of deforestation is charcoal burning. 99% of the population whether rich or poor in Africa still rely on using charcoal. Existing energy sources like methane / natural gas could work, but costly to distribute. So where does this leave us?

Invent a mysterious $1 fuel for cooking! This leaves room for many ideas, let me live my terrible ones which include futuristic and near-term ideas.

  • A cold fusion-powered stove that uses water, and generates higher energy output. This stove could be expensive at first but the manufacturer could use a borrow-as-you-use model, consumers pay as they use.
  • A $1 catalyst that generates intense heat powerful enough to cook a heavy saucepan packed with lots of food, this catalyst works in a special smart stove and is environmentally safe.

An enzyme that converts CO2 in cars to oxygen(Entire world)

Vehicles shouldn’t be just moving gears, but should include a mechanism that manages waste as well. We could solve this by adding an extra component to vehicles that includes a enzyme suspended in a gel, and absorbs combustion gas in it and it breaks down the carbon to oxygen as it leaves the exhaust pipe. This would be really a game changer because, vehicle ownership is expected to double in billions worldwide in years to come and isn’t stopping.

And that’s it, any more thoughts on this, would love to engage.



Gilbert Mpanga

I write about software, life and everything between.